7D6N Historical Odysseys

At A Glance

Immerse yourself in Bhutan’s cultural heritage and extraordinary landscapes

Our six-night itinerary in Bhutan immerses you deeply into the country’s Buddhist culture. The exploration includes four days of guided walks around the Paro Valley, as well as two days in the little-visited Punakha valley, where some of Bhutan’s most iconic temples are found.

If the air seems fresher in Bhutan, it’s because it is. Bhutan is the first country in the world that has
environmental protection built into its constitution. It’s stipulated that at least 60 per cent of the nation must remain under forest cover at all times, making Bhutan the world’s only carbon-negative nation, as it absorbs more carbon dioxide than it produces.

Forgetting birthdays doesn’t happen in Bhutan, as the majority of citizens turn one year older on New Year’s Day. It originally began as most people did not record their own birth date due to illiteracy, and was maintained as it became easier to share a communal celebration of the year rather than a month and day.

Bhutan’s borders were not opened until 1974, when international media was allowed to cover the coronation of its former king. Previously, Bhutan had been in self-imposed isolation to protect their Buddhist culture and unspoiled landscape from globalisation. It also only lifted a ban on television and the internet in 1999.

Contrary to inheritance law almost anywhere else, Bhutanese families pass property onto the eldest
daughter rather than the son. After marriage, a man moves into the home of his new wife rather than the other way around.

Destination Highlights

  • Visit the Taktsang ‘Tiger’s Nest’ Monastery, one of Bhutan’s architectural highlights
  • Visit the Rinpung Dzong, where the Monastic body and government office of Paro is housed
  •  Be privy to the rich collection at Ta Dzong, the national museum of Bhutan
  • Pay respects at Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan
  • Enjoy spectacular views of the Himalayas from the Dochu La mountain pass
  • Visit the 300-year old Punakha Dzong: the winter residence of the Central Monastic Body and where many major Royal events take place
  • Spend a day exploring the bustling capital Thimphu, including sights like the Buddha Dordenma, the National Memorial chorten and more
  • Bhutan is often ranked as the happiest nation in South Asia and among the top ten happiest places in the world.
  • Spice-lovers rejoice and the spice-sensitive beware – chilli is not a condiment in Bhutan, but an essential vegetable. Their cuisine is heavily spiced by default, and it is said that locals will not eat a dish until it is spicy enough.
  • Only eight pilots have been trained to navigate landing in Paro Airport.
  • Situated in a deep valley, flying to Paro involves avoiding high peaks and strong winds in specific meteorological conditions. The flight itself is an exclusive privilege.
  • You will likely see a number of colourful phallus drawings on the walls of certain houses in Bhutan. These aren’t graffiti, but rather a tradition that symbolises good luck and fertility. Phalluses are believed to ward off evil spirits and are often used in place of a scarecrow.

Full Itinerary : 6N Historical Odysseys